Australian Embassy

Australian Ambassador for Climate Change Visits Indonesia

Media Release

12 October 2009

Australian Ambassador for Climate Change Visits Indonesia

The Australian Ambassador for Climate Change, Louise Hand, will visit Jakarta from 12 to 13 October 2009.

Ms Hand will meet Indonesian ministers and officials to discuss key issues in the international negotiations and to progress Australia’s cooperation with Indonesia on climate change.

Australia and Indonesia share a strong relationship on climate change and are working together to achieve a positive outcome at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December this year.

Ms Hand has close ties with Indonesia from her previous role as the Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.

“I am very much looking forward to returning to Jakarta and meeting with a number of Indonesian counterparts to progress our shared interests in climate change.” Ms Hand said.

Ms Hand’s visit is timely with now less than two months until Copenhagen.

Indonesia and Australia are modelling the kind of constructive cooperation required by developed and developing countries to achieve a positive post 2012 agreement.

Collaboration between the two countries has already included two joint submissions to the UNFCCC on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD).

Under the Indonesia – Australia Forest Carbon Partnership, Indonesia and Australia are taking practical action on REDD. Activities under the partnership include $30 million for the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership and a $10 million bilateral package of support for Indonesia on forests and climate.

Media Enquiries:
Toby Lendon (Public Affairs, Australian Embassy) 0811 187 3175