Australian Embassy

Australian Deputy Ambassador Visits East Nusa Tenggara

Media Release

28 July 2023

Australian Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Stephen Scott visited Eastern Nusa Tenggara (NTT) 25-27 July to highlight Australia’s development partnerships in Eastern Indonesia.

Mr Scott delivered opening remarks at the Eastern Indonesia Forum Festival (FKTI), alongside Kosmas Damianus Lana, Provincial Secretary of NTT. The Eastern Indonesia Forum showcases innovative practices, ideas and experiences that celebrate development achievements in Eastern Indonesia.

During his visit, Deputy Ambassador Scott and Provincial Secretary Lana jointly launched the Indonesia Australia Partnership: Synergies and Collaboration to Accelerate Delivery of Basic Services (SKALA) in NTT. The SKALA program is delivered jointly in partnership between the Australian Government, Bappenas, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Finance – with the goal of supporting provincial and district governments to strengthen their service delivery.

Deputy Ambassador Scott said, “The Australian Government is pleased to partner with Government of Indonesia, provincial governments, civil society, and other important stakeholders to support development in Eastern Indonesia. I am pleased with the opportunity to see firsthand the rich diversity of Eastern Indonesia and how our wide range of partnerships support the strong local leadership and commitment to development.”

Whilst in Kupang, Mr Scott also formally handed over 100,000 canine rabies vaccines – part of the Australian Government’s support to the Government of Indonesia’s response to the current rabies outbreak in West Timor and announced the first round of Koneksi research grants focused on Eastern Indonesia. Through Koneksi, the Australian Government will fund 16 new research grants for Australian institutions to partner with research organisations based in Eastern Indonesia, in the field of climate change and the environment.”

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