Media Release
4 June 2007
Australia’s ongoing support for the rehabilitation of Yogyakarta and Central Java
The Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, HE Bill Farmer, visited Yogyakarta and Bantul, Central Java to examine progress of the Australian Government’s A$30 million (Rp 215 billion) earthquake rehabilitation program a year after a quake measuring 5.9 on the richer scale causing major devastation in the area.
During his visit to Bantul, the Ambassador visited MD Al Munajah at Wonokromono, Pleret, a school managed by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Australia has been working together with Indonesian Government, Muslim Organisations Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and communities in reconstructing 30 schools in Yogyakarta and Central Java.
Australia’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Bill Farmer, said that he was delighted with the progress of the Australian Government’s rehabilitation program in improving the welfare of victims since the earthquake in May last year.
“It is heartening to see the results of Australia’s work, together with the Indonesian Government and a number of local and international organisations, to rebuild communities in Klaten, Bantul and other affected areas,” the Ambassador said.
The Rp 215 billion program is the largest bilateral donor activity set up in response to the earthquake. Australia also made an immediate contribution of Rp 54 billion (A$7.5 million) for emergency relief, which brings total Australian funding to areas affected by the earthquake to Rp 269 billion.
Under the Australia Indonesia Partnership, the program is now focusing on medium-term recovery.
“This is a community-based program, which is why it is important to accommodate the needs of the people in the community. The program is focusing on livelihood recovery through small grants, water and sanitation, school and health clinics and technical advice on housing including earthquake resistant techniques,” the Ambassador said.
The Yogyakarta – Central Java Community Assistance program commenced in September 2006. The Program aims is to provide short to medium term assistance by helping affected families and communities return as quickly as possible to normality in the three areas of life most severely affected by the earthquake: household life, income-producing activities, and schooling.
Media contact:
Dian Lestari (AusAID Yogyakarta – Central Java Community Assistance Program ) 0811256703