The Australian Embassy represents the Australian Government in Indonesia. It is the largest of Australians overseas diplomatic missions.
Embassy staff deal with a range of matters, including trade, diplomatic relations, two-way investment, education, defence and security cooperation and development partnerships.
The embassy hosts a number of Australian Government departments, including the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Defence, Attorney-General, Immigration and Border Protection, Education, Agriculture and Water Resources, the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), the Australian Federal Police and the National Library of Australia. All work together to promote Australia's interests in Indonesia.
The Embassy aims to grow and diversify trade and investment; to enhance the understanding of Indonesia in Australia; to work with Indonesia on its development priorities and as a partner in regional and global multilateral forums such as ASEAN, the EAS, IORA, the G20 and APEC.
The embassy also provides consular services for Australians living in and travelling through Indonesia. The Australian Embassy is responsible for Australian passports, entry clearances and visas to enter Australia.
The Australian Government is also represented by consulates-general in Bali, Makassar and Surabaya.
Contact information
Jalan Patra Kuningan Raya Kav. 1-4
Jakarta Selatan 12950
+62 21 2550 5555
+62 21 2550 5467
E-mail address
- General Enquiries:
- Visas and Migration email form
- Consular Services:
- Study in Australia:
Opening hours
The Embassy is open from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday except for public holidays.
Our counter hours are:
Arrangements have been made for consular and passport services to be available by appointment only between 8.00 am - 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. Appointments can be made here. Clients will only have access to Embassy by appointment.
Visas and migration
The Immigration Section is closed to the general public.
Click here for more information on visas and migration.
Public holidays
- 1 January - New Year’s Day
- 29 January - Chinese New Year 2576 K
- 31 March - Idul Fitri 1446 Hijriyah
- 1 April - Idul Fitri 1446 Hijriyah
- 18 April - Good Friday
- 21 April - Easter Monday
- 6 June - Idul Adha 1446 Hijriyah
- 9 June - King's Birthday
- 6 October - Labour Day
- 25 December - Christmas Day
- 26 December - Boxing Day
- 29 December - Additional DFAT holiday
- 30 December - Additional DFAT holiday
- 31 December - Additional DFAT holiday