Australian Embassy

Australia Supports Major HIV Congress in Bali

Media Release

20 February 2009

Australia Supports Major HIV Congress in Bali

Australia’s Ambassador for HIV, Murray Proctor, has today signed an agreement with Indonesia’s National AIDS Commission secretary, Ibu Nafsiah Mboi, pledging A$300,000 to support the 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 9).

Announcing the agreement, the Australian Chargé d’Affaires, Paul Robilliard, said Australia is proud to support efforts to combat the spread of HIV.

“Australia has had a long standing commitment to addressing HIV issues,” Mr Robilliard said. “This financial assistance continues our support to the annual Congress and reinforces our long-standing partnership with Indonesia designed to help stop the spread of HIV.”

The Indonesian Government will host the Congress in Bali from the 9th - 13th of August 2009, with the theme of “Empowering people and strengthening networks”.

More than half the money pledged by Australia will go towards supporting delegates to attend the conference from Indonesia, greater Mekong countries and Papua New Guinea. Representatives from organisations of people most affected by HIV will also be assisted to attend the Congress as a result of this pledge.

The Congress represents a unique opportunity for networking and strengthening links between government, non-government, civil society and business sector organisations working on HIV and AIDS programs in the region.

ICAAP9 is the second largest AIDS forum in the world and will bring together about 5000 people from across Asia and the Pacific to share knowledge, skills and ideas. Results of research into the HIV epidemic in Asia and the Pacific will also be presented.

Australia has been a keen supporter and participant in past events and this support reflects Australia’s commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halting and beginning to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015.

In Indonesia, Australia has committed up to A$100 million to the Australia Indonesia Partnership for HIV (2008-2015) to combat the spread of HIV and improve quality of life for those living with the virus.

Media Inquiries: Mia Salim, AusAID Public Affairs. (021) 2550 5490/ 0812 107 1237