Australian Embassy

NTT and NTB schools join BRIDGE with Australia

Media Release

22 January 2013

NTT and NTB schools join BRIDGE with Australia

8 schools from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) will connect with schools in Australia for the first time through the innovative BRIDGE program.

Students and teachers from the 8 schools will build partnerships with schools in Australia, starting with 16 teachers from Indonesia who will travel to Australia in March 2013.

The Indonesian teachers will improve their English language skills and receive training on incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into their teaching.

Australia’s Asia Education Foundation, the Provincial Office of Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth in East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara as well as the Provincial Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs in West Nusa Tenggara will sign agreements this week to participate in the 2013 BRIDGE program.

The NTT and NTB schools joining BRIDGE this week will bring the total number of Indonesian schools participating in the program to 89 schools across 11 provinces.

“This program is an opportunity for Indonesian and Australian teachers to build relationships and share experiences,” said Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty.

“BRIDGE helps to foster friendship between students of both countries through innovative technologies such as Wiki space and ICT learning environment such as using video conferencing to communicate with friends internationally.”

The BRIDGE program - Building Relations through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement – was initiated in 2008 by the Australia-Indonesia Institute and is funded by the Australian Government and the Myer Foundation.

The Asia Education Foundation delivered the program with the support of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.

The new schools participating in 2013 from East Nusa Tenggara include: SD Inpres Bertingkat Oebobo 2, SD Katolik Santo Yoseph 3, SD Katolik Don Bosko 2, and SD Inpres Oepoi Kupang; and from West Nusa Tenggara: SDN 1 Percontohan Ampenan, SMPN 5 Janapria, MTs Ishlahul Ikhwan NW Mispalah and MTs Nurul Jannah NW Ampenan.

Media Enquiries:
Rendy Djauhari, AusAID Public Affairs, +62 811 190 482