Australian Embassy

Australia collaborates with civil society to empower Indonesian women

Media Release

7 March 2013

Australia collaborates with civil society to empower Indonesian women

Indonesia has made significant gains in improving the welfare of its citizens, but poor women continue to face serious hardships.

On the eve of International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March, Australia is gathering with seven prominent Indonesian NGOs and one international organisation to discuss key challenges facing poor women in Indonesia and ways to work together.

Australia through AusAID’s Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program (MAMPU) has supported research into five key areas affecting the lives of poor women in Indonesia: sexual and reproductive health, conditions facing female migrant workers employed overseas, access to government social protection programs, access to employment and workplace discrimination and violence against women.

Australia is partnering with national civil society organisations to work towards poverty reduction, particularly for women. The program will work through national organisations and their local partners based in regional areas to improve livelihoods and access to basic services for poor women.

The program is working with The National Commission on Elimination of Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan), Migrant Care, International Labour Organisation, Women Headed Household Empowerment (PEKKA), Indonesian Women’s Coalition for Justice and Democracy (KPI), the Circle of Women’s Alternative Education (Kapal Perempuan), Aisyiyah, and Bakti Foundation.

The Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty, said Australia is committed to increasing the opportunities and well-being of women in Indonesia. “The Australian aid program recognises gender equality as an integral part of effective and sustainable development,” said Ambassador Moriarty.

“These NGOs have been at the forefront of efforts to address these issues. Their work is key to raising public awareness, gaining influence with decision makers and advocating for change,” added Ambassador Moriarty.

Media enquiries:
Mia Salim – AusAID public affairs manager – 08121 070 237