Media Release
17 April 2013
Australian parliamentarians visit aid programs in Surabaya
An Australian parliamentary delegation is in Surabaya this week to view Australian Government-funded aid programs in the region.
The delegation will view Australia’s water and sanitation program in Sidoarjo area and meet families who have had clean water connections placed in their homes thanks to Australia’s support.
The water and sanitation program is part of Australia’s support to work with Indonesia to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals of halving the proportion of Indonesian without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. By 2015, Australia will provide 327,000 water and 14,000 sewerage connections for poor urban households in Indonesia.
The delegation also met with Indonesians in East Java who have benefited from Australia Awards scholarships. 568 people from East Java have been awarded with the scholarships to build the skills of the workforce in the province and create strong links between Australian and Indonesian people.
Australia has various development programs in East Java including poverty reduction, water and sanitation, education, decentralisation, health and disaster preparedness.
This visit to Surabaya is part of a parliamentary study tour to Indonesia.
Delegation members:
Senator Alex Gallacher
Harry Jenkins MP
Paul Neville MP
Dr Mal Washer MP
Vikki Darrough
Media inquiries:
Rendy Djauhari, Public Affairs, AusAID Indonesia, 08111 90 4823