Australian Embassy

Australia Partners with Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama to Respond to COVID-19


Media Release

08 July 2020

Australia will provide AUD 2.2 million to the disaster management agencies of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama to support the organisations respond to COVID-19.

The funding will support community-based prevention activities, building local capacity and ensuring food security for households whose livelihoods have been disrupted by the pandemic.

“As the pandemic is unfolding rapidly and its long-term impacts are still unknown, we are placing a strong focus on assistance through local organisations to support government efforts in both the response and recovery phases,” Australia’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan, said.

“This will ensure our efforts are informed by local knowledge, support local priorities, and contribute to local capacity and accountability.”

Australia has adapted its estimated AUD 298.5 million development program (2019-20) in Indonesia, reprioritising AUD 44.8 million to support Indonesia’s health, humanitarian and economic response to COVID-19, including AUD 21 million in new initiatives.

Through the SIAP SIAGA program, the Australia-Indonesia Partnership in Disaster Risk Management, Australia will provide AUD 1 million to the Nahdlatul Ulama Institution for Disaster Management and Climate Change (LPBI NU) and another AUD 1.2 million to the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC).

“The collaboration aims to help support government in strengthening community and household resilience in facing COVID-19 and adapting to the new normal through increasing community-based prevention efforts,” said the Chairman of LPBI NU, M. Ali Yusuf.

“MDMC will focus on educational campaigns and ensuring the food security of the most vulnerable groups: victims of lay-off, those who do not receive government social assistance, female-headed households, elderly people, and people with disabilities.” said Rahmawati Husein, MDMC’s Vice Chair.

The SIAP SIAGA Program is also working with the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) and other ministries to support the work of Indonesia’s National COVID 19 Taskforce coordinating the response to the crisis.

SIAP SIAGA is a five-year partnership between the Indonesian and Australian Governments to strengthen disaster risk management in Indonesia.


Media Contact:

Nahdlatul Ulama – Ubaidillah [email protected] 08161152351

Muhammadiyah – Budi Santosa [email protected] 081919120118

Australian Embassy – [email protected]