Media Release
21 June 2023
The Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) held a Partnership Forum in Jakarta on 20-21 June 2023 to share knowledge, achievements, lessons, and innovations in advancing gender equality, disability rights and social inclusion across Indonesia.
More than 500 representatives from civil society, government, and the private sector came together, highlighting the value of multi-stakeholder collaboration to advance Indonesia’s inclusive development agenda.
“We all benefit from inclusive societies – where everyone can participate equally. Advancing gender equality, disability rights, and social inclusion are shared priorities for Australia and Indonesia. Both countries have made progress, and there are many things we can continue to learn from each other,” said Ms Madeleine Moss, Minister Counsellor for Governance and Human Development at the Australian Embassy Jakarta.
The INKLUSI program aims to strengthen the contribution of civil society, in partnership with the Indonesian government and the private sector, to address complex development challenges in Indonesia.
INKLUSI works across 31 provinces with CSOs partners namely ‘Aisyiyah, BaKTI, KAPAL Perempuan, Kemitraan, Migrant Care, PEKKA, PKBI, dan SIGAB, to support the development goal of ‘No one is left behind: more marginalised people participate in and benefit from decisions about Indonesia’s sociocultural, economic, and political development’.
This includes work to support inclusive employment, protection from violence, participation in development planning processes, and access to services for people with disabilities, women, and other marginalised groups.
“The scale and impact of activities delivered by INKLUSI civil society partners, with government and others is impressive. This work is directly benefiting individuals and communities, and can also contribute to long-term systemic benefits for Indonesia,” said Ms Moss.
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