Media Release
29 November 2023
The Australian-government-funded program INOVASI (the Innovation for Indonesia's School Children) celebrated the end of its second phase on Tuesday 28 November. The program has much to celebrate after its eight-year journey to accelerate student learning outcomes in collaboration with a wide-range of partners from government, universities, and civil society.
The event also celebrated the launch of ‘Insights from INOVASI’, a two volume book series developed to celebrate the collaboration Australian and Indonesia through the INOVASI program. The two volume book reflects on the achievement and lessons from this collaboration, depicted within the broader setting of Indonesia's own journey in education reform.
During the ceremony, Australian Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Steve Scott, remarked on the strong ties between the two nations and their shared commitment to ensuring that all children can access a quality education.
“I commend the Government of Indonesia, as well as other partners and stakeholders for their on-going commitment to education reform, and successful collaboration with INOVASI to improve learning outcomes,” said Deputy Ambassador Scott. “Australia will continue to support this important work through a third phase of the INOVASI program.”
Head of the Curriculum Standards and Educational Assessment Agency (BSKAP), Anindito Aditomo said that the event was an opportunity to reflect on the collective efforts to accelerate student learning outcomes and underscored the strong partnership between Australia and Indonesia.
“Gotong royong is the spirit of Indonesia’s education transformation. The partnership between the Governments of Australia and Indonesia through the INOVASI program has resulted in significant progress in accelerating learning outcomes for Indonesian children,” said Aditomo.
INOVASI commenced in 2016 with a subnational emphasis and a goal to find out what works in schools and districts to improve learning outcomes for all students. The program brought stakeholders and partners together to identify problems, pilot local solutions, and scale-up strategies proven to be successful in improving learning outcomes.
In the second phase, INOVASI supported the government with alternative schooling options to address learning loss amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.
As announced by Deputy Ambassador Steve Scott, INOVASI Phase III will commence in early January 2024 and will build on the successful approaches from INOVASI Phase II. The new phase will expand its partnership to six rather than four provinces as in the current phase.
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