Australian Embassy

Australia Showcases Technology Capabilities for a Digital Future

Media Release

27 June 2024

Australian technology companies are in Jakarta this week to take part in the Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange (A-SEABX), which launched on Thursday 27 June at the Westin Hotel, Jakarta.

A-SEABX aims to increase two-way trade between Australia and Southeast Asia as well as raising awareness of business opportunities and possible investments between Australian and Indonesian companies.

The Australian Business Delegation, led by Professor Jennifer Westacott AO, Australia’s recently appointed private sector “Business Champion” for Indonesia, will be showcasing their capabilities across cyber security, fintech and agtech.

“I’m privileged to accompany this delegation of outstanding Australian technology companies as they showcase their capabilities and deepen their understanding of Indonesia’s digitalisation journey and priorities,” said Professor Westacott.

Australia’s Special Envoy for Southeast Asia, Nicholas Moore, also travelling with the delegation said, “This business exchange will support more Australian businesses launch in Indonesian market and is closely aligned to the achievement of the Australian Government’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040.”

As part of the Business Exchange, Australia’s Landing Pad program in Jakarta will be launched. The Landing Pads were announced by the Australian Prime Minister at the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne on 5 March 2024.

“The Landing Pad program will help market ready Australian technology scale ups to develop an effective go-to market strategy and secure partnerships in Indonesian markets, contributing to Southeast Asia’s continued digital transformation,” said Mr Daniel Boyer, Deputy CEO of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

An MoU will also be signed between Austrade and Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia (AFTECH) to establish closer institutional cooperation and support Australia’s first Landing Pad cohort to Indonesia.

A-SEABX was co-delivered by Austrade,, Aftech and PisAgro.

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